Immerse yourself into Self-Love. Believe in yourself and be proud of who you are! Because you are one of a kind! You are Love!
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This original 528Hz healing frequency self-love immersion with crystal singing bowls and meditative soundscapes was composed with Love in the natural Solfeggio 528Hz healing frequency with the intent to let the 528Hz Love frequency flow around you and flow into you so that you radiate Love wherever you are and wherever you go.
To give Love is to receive Love.
But Love cannot arise without self-love.
Self-love embodies the roots of Love.
The stronger the roots, the more Love will blossom.
This 528Hz Solfeggio frequency music with 528Hz crystal singing bowls can also help to heal and cleanse old negative energies, to activate a positive and spiritual energy cleanse and replace all negativity with positive energy.
If you would like to hear more of my 528Hz healing frequency music, this Inner Lotus Music video might also resonate with you:
More Inner Lotus Music Solfeggio healing frequency music can be found in this playlist:
Solfeggio frequencies form part of an ancient scale that was rediscovered in the early 70’s. They are a tone sequence of special tonal frequencies. Originally used in Gregorian chants for centuries, they recently were brought to everybody’s attention for their healing powers. The music in this video was composed in the Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz.
Some of the benefits of the 528Hz healing frequency are:
• It is a natural frequency resonating with the universe, nature and all living beings.
• it helps for spiritual connection and oneness
• it brings positive transformation into your life.
• it induces meditative states such as deep inner peace, mental clarity and awareness.
• it is said to heal DNA and harmonise cells
• it elevates consciousness and strengthens self-love
Feel free to listen to this originally composed 528Hz self love healing frequency Solfeggio music featuring 528Hz crystal singing bowls with headphones or – if you prefer – just let this 528Hz healing frequency music with crystal singing bowls and meditative soundscapes flow through open space. As long as it is positive for you, it will be positive for your body and soul.
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💖
Respectfully yours,
Pierre Ynad
This 528Hz healing frequency Solfeggio music with 528Hz crystal singing bowls and meditative soundscapes can be used for 528Hz self-love meditation, 528Hz self-love relaxation and/or reiki, massage and other healing and/or relaxing activities where 528Hz healing frequency music can deploy its positive energy.
Do not listen to music emphasizing particular frequencies if you suffer from epilepsy! If you have any concerns or other health issues you are uncertain of, please check with your medical practitioner prior to listening.
Please do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutical advice and/or treatment.
We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use.
The reuse, event in parts, of any video, image and/or music from this channel is strictly prohibited!
Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad
Copyright â“’ 2020 Inner Lotus Music â„¢. All rights reserved.
#innerlotusmusic #528hz #selflovefrequency chakrahealing, chakrahealingmusic, 528 hz love frequency, 528 hz self love frequency