What is KAP? Facilitator Barbara Blum explains the Kundalini Activation Process modality.

Dive into the world of Kundalini Activation Process with Barbara Blum.
KAP is a direct energy transmission that ignites the divine life-force energy inside you, bringing with it profound shifts in your personal healing and spiritual growth. Transmissions can be done in person and online.
For more information, visit kapsf.com

Barbara Blum is a KAP Facilitator, Energy Healer, 500hr Yoga Instructor, Certified Meditation instructor and writer currently living in Mexico and offering both online KAP sessions and Celestial Energy Alignments to people worldwide.

KAP stands for Kundalini Activation Process and is a direct energy transmission that activates and furthers the awakening of your kundalini… the latent, divine life-force energy inside every human. Initiated into KAP by master energy worker Venant Wong, she is one of a select few worldwide giving this particular energy transmission.

The Celestial Energy Alignments come through work with The Elohim and other Divine Beings from the Angelic Realm. Barbara's initiation into facilitating this transmission is through world-renowned channel Asil Toksal, the ultimate purpose of which is to assist in the ascension of humanity.

Barbara has a vast background of study in both the traditional teachings of India as well as that of the modern mystics, bringing a well-rounded approach to this path toward wholeness.

For more information on KAP – kapsf.com
For Celestial High Frequency Alignments – barbarablum.com/energy
For yoga and meditation – barbarablumyoga.com

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